History of Recovery Colleges
Originally known known as Recovery Learning Centers, recovery colleges we know today got their start at Boston University in the 1990’s.
In 2009 the first recovery college (RC) was established in the United Kingdom (UK) and the idea really took off. Now the country with the most RC’s worldwide, the UK RC movement is well funded and extensively studied. This success in the UK has led to worldwide interest, with colleges springing up across the globe, including Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, Kenya, and Canada.
Second only to the UK, Canada is now a leading presence in the RC community. With over 25 established colleges and more coming on board in quick succession, the concept has really taken hold as a promising practice.
Now, after over two years in the making, Recovery College YVR is ready to open its virtual doors! We are thrilled to join the expanding Canadian RC community and the opportunity to collaborate with other RC’s in BC.